What is Health Ministry?

Health ministry is a ministry within a church, mosque, synagogue or other faith community that addresses the issues of health and wellness, healing and wholeness. It does this by calling upon an individual’s spiritual and faith resources as well as medical and physical resources. Health ministry brings all of the caring ministries of the medical and faith community together under one umbrella.

SIH’s Health Ministry program was established as a resource for congregations of all faiths, but not as a director of them. The health ministry of each faith community is unique to that congregation depending on their needs, the gifts of their members, and how they are led to develop the ministry.

Our Mission Statement

The Health Ministry program is administered through the Community Benefits Department of SIH. It works with area faith communities to promote health, wellness and compassionate, holistic care that addresses physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs.

Contact Us

Jo Sanders
SIH Health Ministry Coordinator

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618-457-5200 ext. 67830

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