Your health is important wherever you go and now that many people are spending most of their day sitting at a desk or inside an office, implementing health programs inside the workplace has become a vital piece of the healthy lifestyle puzzle. The Work Care wellness program is designed to support healthy behavior and improve health outcomes while at work. The program consist of activities such as health education and coaching, weight management programs, medical screenings, on-site fitness programs and more.
Wellness programs also include policies intended to facilitate employee health, which include allowing time for exercise, providing on-site kitchens and eating areas, offering healthful food options in vending machines, hold “walk and talk” meetings and offering financial and other incentives for participation. Effective workplace programs, policies, and environments that are health-focused and worker-centered have the potential to significantly benefit employers, employees, their families and communities.
Health Coaching
Health coaching can help employees reduce the effects of stress, overcome a physical condition or avoid disease. A step-by-step action plan developed by an SIH health coach can assist employees with making healthy lifestyle choices.
The foundation of the Work Care health coaching program is the personal relationship between your employee and the SIH coach. Through motivational interviewing, coaching helps to guide employees through a process of making positive behavioral changes to improve their overall health.