After a hospital stay, you might not be 100 percent ready to go home. That’s because you might need more time to strengthen and heal before you can get back to your routine of independent living.

Located at SIH St. Joseph Memorial Hospital, Upswing Recovery offers short-term skilled nursing and rehabilitation. The goal of Upswing Recovery is to give you additional care to help you recover after a debilitating illness or surgery.

With our program, we offer a variety of rehabilitation therapy (physical, occupational, speech or respiratory), pain management and nutritional therapy. You may be admitted to Upswing Recovery when you are medically ready for discharge from an inpatient setting, but still have a skilled care need.

The program provides services if you need help recovering from:

  • Major surgery, such as: joint replacement, vascular or abdominal procedures
  • A catastrophic accident
  • Stroke
  • Wounds which are not healing or need special care

More information

Here are a few things to keep in mind, before your stay with us:

  • Your care plan: Your health care team meets weekly to review the care plan, progress and goals. You and your family are encouraged to participate and ask questions.
  • Meals: Meals are served through the room service program. Special diets are available upon request with physicians’ approval.
  • Activities: Our activity director will meet with you to talk about your favorite leisure activities. Group and individual activities are offered. You are encouraged to bring books, magazines, tablets and craft projects that interest you.
  • Medications: Medications are provided by SIH St. Joseph Memorial Hospital. Nursing administers all medications per the physician’s orders. If a particular home medication is not available in our pharmacy, you will be asked to bring in the medication in its original prescription bottle.
  • Clothing: You are encouraged to dress in street clothes during the day. Dressing and undressing is considered part of your therapy. All clothing should be labeled with your name prior to admission and will be put on a personal items checklist. We encourage family to launder your personal clothing. If your family is not available or in case of an emergency, our Environmental Services can launder the clothing.

Learn more about qualifying

To qualify for the Upswing Recovery program, you must have a skilled nursing and/or rehabilitation need beyond the acute care stay. In addition, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:

  • Your physician certifies that you have a need for Upswing Recovery services.
  • If you’re on Medicare, you have been hospitalized in an acute care setting for at least three consecutive calendar days, not counting the date of discharge, within a 30-day period. Private insurance requirements may vary.
  • You have a skilled nursing need related to the acute care stay on a daily basis.
  • You have a skilled rehabilitative need determined by therapy evaluations.
  • You must continue to make progress toward your established goals.