Due to the ongoing threat of community transmission involving the COVID-19 virus, SIH has a limited visitor policy for patients hospitalized in our facilities. This decision is made in the best interest of patients, healthcare providers and staff. Nurse leaders will work with families for exceptions involving end of life care.


  • Same-Day-Surgical patients may have one visitor 
  • Inpatients may have one visitor at a time from 11a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Birthing Center patients may have one dedicated support person
  • Pediatric/Special Care Unit patients may have one parent/guardian at a time
  • Patients with behavioral health, developmental delays or altered mental status for whom a family member or caregiver is integral to their care or safety may have one dedicated support person
  • Patients in the Emergency Department may have one dedicated support person
  • Patients at end-of-life may have two visitors at a time and can rotate with others
  • Other considerations made on a case-by-case basis when essential to ensure the emotional well-being and care of the patient.

All visitors to SIH facilities will have their temperature checked and complete a COVID-19 screening upon entry. Visitors will not be allowed to enter if they have fever, respiratory symptoms or exposure risk. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted.

Visitors who are permitted to wear must:

  • Bring a mask at all times. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.
  • Remain in the patient’s room for duration of visit with no access to other areas in the hospital (i.e. cafeteria)
  • Perform hand hygiene at point of screening and upon entry/exit of the patient’s room
  • Notify the clinical care team if they develop signs or symptoms of illness during visit 

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work to keep our region safe.

Your safety has always been our highest priority

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