The heart of the health ministry is the congregational health cabinet,. These are individuals from the faith community who are committed to the concept of a ministry of health and wellness. This group may also be called a health and wellness committee or commission or team.

The health cabinet is composed of professionals as well as lay people that give guidance, direction, and support to this important ministry. The Faith Community Nurse plays a pivotal role as a member of this group. The objective is to empower individuals to move toward wholeness of body, mind and spirit.

Role of the Health Cabinet

  • Represents various groups within the congregation such as married, singles, adults, youth, seniors, healthcare professionals, business people, and homemakers.
  • Is well informed about health ministry.
  • Envisions what a health ministry will look like in the congregation and what it has the potential to become.
  • Writes a mission statement and establishes short and long term goals.
  • Communicates the concept of health ministry nursing to the congregation through church bulletin inserts, articles in the church newsletter, bulletin boards with health and wellness information, from the pulpit, and through individual conversations and group presentations.
  • Assesses what is already being done regarding health and wellness, what needs are not being met, and what resources are within and outside of the congregation.
  • Plans, implements, and evaluates the health ministry.
  • Organizes a commissioning service for the health cabinet, validating the health ministry and raising awareness of the congregation about this important new ministry.
  • Asks for God’s blessings and guidance.